ECHO Worship
There’s a sound rising—a song that begins in heaven and finds its voice on earth. That sound is ECHO Worship. We are a team of passionate musicians, worship leaders, and artists dedicated to bringing the sound of heaven to earth and creating an atmosphere where people encounter God in a real and powerful way.
Our mission is to be the collective voice of Faith Alive Worship, joining in the eternal song that resounds before God’s throne. As Isaiah 42:12 declares: "Make God’s glory resound; echo His praises from coast to coast."
Worship isn’t just what we do—it’s who we are. Every service, every song, every moment is an opportunity to stir hearts, ignite faith, and amplify the sound of revival. Whether in a Sunday gathering, a special event, or in the quiet places of personal worship, our voices rise in passionate surrender—an echo of eternity.
Come be part of the sound. Come be part of the movement. This is ECHO Worship.
Our mission is to be the collective voice of Faith Alive Worship, joining in the eternal song that resounds before God’s throne. As Isaiah 42:12 declares: "Make God’s glory resound; echo His praises from coast to coast."
Worship isn’t just what we do—it’s who we are. Every service, every song, every moment is an opportunity to stir hearts, ignite faith, and amplify the sound of revival. Whether in a Sunday gathering, a special event, or in the quiet places of personal worship, our voices rise in passionate surrender—an echo of eternity.
Come be part of the sound. Come be part of the movement. This is ECHO Worship.